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Photo shows a small part of the side of a person's head, with their back to the camera. The photo is mainly focused on the hands of this individual, which they are using to frame the sunset.

A Healing Journey with Chronic Pain: A Meta-Ethnography Synthesizing 195 Qualitative Studies

Date : 2021

Les auteurs : Francine Toye, PhD, Joletta Belton, MSc, Erin Hannink, DPT, Kate Seers, DSc, Karen Barker, PhD


Patients as Partners in Research: It’s the Right Thing to Do

Date : 2019

Les auteurs : Joletta Belton, MSc, Alison Hoens, MSc, BScPT, Alex Scott, PT, PhD, Clare L. Ardern, PT, PhD


Patient Engagement in Research Scale

Les auteurs : Clayon Hamilton, PhD

Site Internet


Les auteurs : Alberta SPOR SUPPORT Unit (AbSPORU)

Site Internet

Patient Advisors Network

Les auteurs : Patient Advisors Network

Site Internet

Health Research BC

Les auteurs : Health Research BC


Patient Compensation Tools

Date : Unknown

Les auteurs : National Health Council


Medical Education and Research Involvement with Patient and Public Partners

Date : Unknown

Les auteurs : Amy Price DPhil, Larry Chu MD | Stanford Anesthesia Informatics and Media (AIM) Lab

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