Patients Included™
PxP 2024 is a Patients Included™ event. In line with their guidance, we are sharing how we meet each of the five criteria. You can read more about Patients Included™ on their website.

Five Conference Charter Clauses
The five conference charter clauses as worded on the Patients Included™ website, and PxP justifications:
- Patients or caregivers with experience relevant to the conference’s central theme actively participate in the design and planning of the event, including the selection of themes, topics and speakers.
PxP 2024 has been led by an international steering committee of individuals with lived experience. The steering committee has been involved in all stages of the design, planning and implementation of the event through virtual monthly meetings and regular email correspondence. Every item included on the event program or in the resource hub has been selected by members of this steering committee or others with lived experience. We are also very grateful to the committee for their input on all elements of the event ranging from event name, tagline and logo design to recommended speakers.
- Patients or caregivers with experience of the issues addressed by the event participate2 in its delivery, and appear in its physical audience.
Individuals with lived experience are participating in panel discussions, moderating sessions and delivering talks throughout the three-day program. The primary audience for this event is patient partners, caregivers, relatives and others with lived experience. This has been highlighted on the PxP website and social media platforms. Note that we are also welcoming clinicians, researchers and others with an interest in patient engagement to participate in the event, but they are not the key audience.
- Travel and accommodation expenses for patients or carers participating in the advertised programme are paid in full, in advance. Scholarships3 are provided by the conference organisers to allow patients or carers affected by the relevant issues to attend as delegates.
The event is free and open to all to attend. The full program is taking place virtually so there are no travel and accommodation expenses. Honoraria are being offered to all speakers, moderators and steering committee members.
- The disability requirements of participants are accommodated4. All applicable sessions, breakouts, ancillary meetings, and other programme elements are open to patient delegates.
Significant attention has been paid to the website design from an accessibility perspective, throughout development of the site. To further support this, the UserWay Widget is available to allow users to customise several features to increase accessibility for those with a range of disabilities and neurodivergence. Should any individuals require additional support, they are welcome to contact the PxP team who will do our best to provide assistance. The event itself is virtual and will be hosted through Zoom with closed captioning available and live translation into several languages. The sessions will be recorded and shared after the event for individuals who cannot attend live. During event registration, attendees will have the opportunity to indicate additional accommodations needed to participate fully in the program. The PxP team will aim to meet these requests whenever possible.
- Access for virtual participants is facilitated,5 with free streaming video provided online wherever possible.
The full program is virtual and thus geared towards participants streaming live video, for free. The sessions will also be recorded and available to watch on the PxP website following the event.
Footnotes as listed on the Patients Included™ website:
- A meeting or event held by a commercial entity, health provider, society, association, organisation, or governmental body.
- As a speaker, moderator, panelist, workshop leader, or in any other formal capacity.
- A minimum of two scholarships are disbursed, covering registration, travel, and accommodation expenses for two patient or carer delegates in full, in advance.
- As far as is practicable for the applying organisation. Examples include: provision of wheelchair access; empty front row for wheelchair users; standing desks; sensory guides; loop systems; video captioning; rest area.
- Either pre-, post-, and/or during the event. Examples include: questions and comments proactively solicited from virtual participants via social media; use of a pre-advertised hashtag; presentations made available for download at no cost.
- Patients Included™ is a trademark of the REshape & Innovation Center.
- It is suggested this information be included on the event’s website and programme.