Registration Information

Registration is now live! Tickets are completely FREE for this virtual event. Please sign up separately for each day you would like to attend. Reach out to our team for questions or support with registration: [email protected]

The very first PxP conference will take place virtually in September, 2023 across three days. Check out the table below for the conference dates and times wherever you are in the world.

The timings for Day 3 are different from Days 1 and 2. This is because we would like as many people as possible from across the globe to have a chance to join us live. We would love you to join us!

You have the opportunity to sign up for any or all of the three days. After the event, we will be hosting recordings on the PxP website which will be freely available.

Person is sitting on a grey sofa in their living room holding a notepad and looking at a computer screen on their lap.


UTC stands for Coordinated Universal Time and is the same time zone as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). To keep the table to a manageable length, we have included time zones roughly every 2 hours. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out!

Time Zone Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
UTC -12  Pacific IslandsSeptember 12
4 am – 8 am
September 13
4 am – 8 am
September 14
10 am – 2 pm
UTC -10  French Polynesia, Kiribati, Cook Islands, Hawaii (US)September 12
6 am – 10 am
September 13
6 am – 10 am
September 14
12 pm – 4 pm
UTC -7  Western Canada and Western USSeptember 12
9 am – 1 pm
September 13
9 am – 1 pm
September 14
3 pm – 7 pm
UTC -5  Central America, Central Canada and Central USSeptember 12
11 am – 3 pm
September 13
11 am – 3 pm
September 14
5 pm – 9 pm
UTC -3  South America and Eastern CanadaSeptember 12
1 pm – 5 pm
September 13
1 pm – 5 pm
September 14
7 pm – 11 pm
UTC -2  Sandwich IslandSeptember 12
2 pm – 6 pm
September 13
2 pm – 6 pm
September 14-15
8 pm – 12 am
UTC +1  UK, West AfricaSeptember 12
5 pm – 9 pm
September 13
5 pm – 9 pm
September 14-15
11 pm – 3 am
UTC +3  Eastern Europe and Southern AfricaSeptember 12
7 pm – 11 pm
September 13
7 pm – 11 pm
September 15
1 am – 5 am
UTC +4  Europe/AsiaSeptember 12-13
8 pm – 12 am
September 13-14
8 pm – 12 am
September 15
2 am – 6 am
UTC +6  South AsiaSeptember 12-13
10 pm – 2 am
September 13-14
10 pm – 2 am
September 15
4 am – 8 am
UTC +8  Western OceaniaSeptember 13
12 am – 4 am
September 14
12 am – 4 am
September 15
6 am – 10 am
UTC +10  Eastern OceaniaSeptember 13
2 am – 6 am
September 14
2 am – 6 am
September 15
8 am – 12 pm
UTC +12  Oceania IslandsSeptember 13
4 am – 8 am
September 14
4 am – 8 am
September 15
10 am – 2 pm
UTC +14  Pacific IslandsSeptember 13
6 am – 10 am
September 14
6 am – 10 am
September 15
12 pm – 4 pm