Our resource hub is updated regularly. We aim to bring our audience great tools, articles and webinars all in one place.

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Photo shows a small part of the side of a person's head, with their back to the camera. The photo is mainly focused on the hands of this individual, which they are using to frame the sunset.

Harnessing People’s Lived Experience to Strengthen Health Systems and Support Equitable Musculoskeletal Health Care

Year: 2023

Authors: Joletta L. Belton, Helen Slater, T. K. Sundari Ravindran, Andrew M. Briggs


Patients as Partners in Research: There Is Plenty of Help for Researchers

Year: 2024

Authors: Alison M. Hoens, Joletta Belton, Alex Scott, Clare L. Ardern


PxP Blog with Joletta Belton – Post 3

Year: 2024

Authors: Joletta Belton


Patient-driven research priorities for patient-centered measurement

Year: 2024

Authors: Howard, A.F., Warner, L., Cuthbertson, L. et al.


Conferences led by patients facilitate democratic decision making in healthcare

Year: 2024

Authors: Ajayi O, Gee P, Mulhall H, Richards D P, Riggare S.


Consumer Involvement & Engagement Toolkit

Authors: Australian Clinical Trials Alliance


Solutions for Kids in Pain (SKIP) Resources

Authors: Solutions for Kids in Pain (SKIP)


CPN Resources for Patients

Authors: Chronic Pain Network (CPN)


Patient partner compensation in research and health care: the patient perspective on why and how

Year: 2018

Authors: Dawn P. Richards, Isabel Jordan, Kimberly Strain and Zal Press


Methods of Patient and Public Engagement

Year: 2020

Authors: University of Manitoba


Camden Coalition

Authors: Camden Coalition


Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance (OCRA)

Authors: Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance (OCRA)


National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS)

Authors: National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS)

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