Our resource hub is updated regularly. We aim to bring our audience great tools, articles and webinars all in one place.

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Photo shows a small part of the side of a person's head, with their back to the camera. The photo is mainly focused on the hands of this individual, which they are using to frame the sunset.

Co-creating through Social Media Crowdsourcing

Year: 2022

Authors: Dr. Dawn Richards


Engaging Patient Partners as Peer Reviewers of Grant Applications: Tips for Everyone Involved

Year: 2023

Authors: Dawn Richards, Deb Baranec, Eileen Davidson, Trudy Flynn


Case Study: Expanding and supporting the patient partner community in research

Year: 2023

Authors: Laurie Proulx, Nadine Lalonde, Anna Samson, Linda Roy, Julie McKenna


Patients as Partners in Research: There Is Plenty of Help for Researchers

Year: 2020

Authors: Alison M. Hoens, MSc, BScPT, Joletta Belton, MSc, Alex Scott, PT, PhD, Clare L. Ardern, PT, PhD

Learning Portal

Patient Engagement Tool Kit

Year: 2023

Authors: Patient Outcomes Research to Advance Learning – PORTAL – PCORI funded project


Patient-Led Research Scorecards

Year: 2023

Authors: Council of Medical Speciality Societies and Patient-Led Research Collaborative


Reflections on patient engagement by patient partners: how it can go wrong

Year: 2023

Authors: Dawn P. Richards, Sabrina Poirier, Vina Mohabir, Laurie Proulx, Sue Robins & Jeffery Smith

Learning Portal

Course: A How-to Guide for Patient Engagement in Research

Year: 2022

Authors: CIHR-IMHA Patient Engagement Research Ambassadors (PERA)


Patient and public involvement in an international rheumatology translational research project: an evaluation

Year: 2022

Authors: Savia de Souza, Eva C. Johansson, Susanne Karlfeldt, Karim Raza & Ruth Williams


Patient-centered consultations for persons with musculoskeletal conditions

Year: 2022

Authors: Joletta Belton, Hollie Birkinshaw & Tamar Pincus


A Healing Journey with Chronic Pain: A Meta-Ethnography Synthesizing 195 Qualitative Studies

Year: 2021

Authors: Francine Toye, PhD, Joletta Belton, MSc, Erin Hannink, DPT, Kate Seers, DSc, Karen Barker, PhD


Patients as Partners in Research: It’s the Right Thing to Do

Year: 2019

Authors: Joletta Belton, MSc, Alison Hoens, MSc, BScPT, Alex Scott, PT, PhD, Clare L. Ardern, PT, PhD


Patient partner compensation in research and health care: the patient perspective on why and how

Year: 2018

Authors: Dawn P. Richards, Isabel Jordan, Kimberly Strain and Zal Press


Rosamund Snow: What makes a real patient?

Year: 2016

Authors: Rosamund Snow



Authors: Alberta SPOR SUPPORT Unit (AbSPORU)


Patient Advisors Network

Authors: Patient Advisors Network


Health Research BC

Authors: Health Research BC

Other Tools

Patient Compensation Tools

Year: Unknown

Authors: National Health Council

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